Additional Resources

Learn how other universities and organizations are promoting responsible and ethical animal research — and defending scientists against harassment and false claims.

Americans for Medical Progress

Americans for Medical Progress focuses on public outreach that builds understanding and appreciation for necessary and humane animal research. It also provides news, information and analysis to biomedical research stakeholders to ensure they have the resources to deflect campaigns that threaten medical progress.

Animal Research FAQ

What is the difference between animal research and animal testing? Don't we have alternatives to animal research? Find answers to those and related questions on the website of Speaking of Research, an international advocacy group that provides accurate information about the importance of animal research in medical and veterinary science.

Understanding Animal Research

Understanding Animal Research supports humane animal research as a vital part of the scientific process, stressing that this research should never be undertaken lightly and that animals should only be used when no alternative method is available. See a timeline of animal research behind the world's major medical advances.

Pitt's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

The University's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) oversees Pitt animal programs, facilities and procedures insuring the appropriate care, use and humane treatments of animals being used for research, testing and education.

Reporting and Oversight

One of the agencies overseeing our animal research program is the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA performs different types of inspections including unannounced, routine annual inspections, and focused inspections. Learn more and view Pitt's USDA inspection reports.